Today is a strange day.
A year ago, an immense pain has torn the heart.
months were expected to leave us, to find some peace, it was time that I wanted to let her go because I did not want it to suffer.
But that morning, a year ago, something broke inside me.
When my grandmother left us sleeping and I really hope that did not suffer. All the physical and psychological pain of recent years had reduced her to a different person from what I remember, a little old lady with glasses that came down on his nose, and shaggy hair whitened by age and fatigue.
You, "a colonel" of life, to be ready avavnti for us to be in four to receive in exchange a hug or sometimes just a smile.

many things that make me think of you today and every day, every day I send a kiss to the sky hoping that you will seize it, because every day my thoughts fly to you and to all those who have left us .
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