It 'a long time since I reach to my blog. There are too many things that I think sometimes I take time and say I do, write it .. but then everything gets to the future: I will .. I will write!

One of the book, talks about how to create or rather, carve some time for himself and the things we like to do. I decided long ago to start a blog? Then I must be able to handle it, give some of my time with him, or rather, to you and tell you what happens, as I am, what I think.
But I'd also have some parallels with my readers and see if what I'm doing I'm doing good or at least, as each of you expects it may be.
Gretchen Rubin in its pages detailing what they want to accomplish and how to achieve it. He studied a lot and is committed with much effort (and a lot of good will) to split each month with a "project", trying to figure out the focal points to carry out the mission, only for the first time decided, then all his life. Also I am trying to apply some of his tips to my daily life and to put his hand to the blog, is already one step ahead.
I really should be groped to make these little things spontaneously, as it is: smile more, sing, do not expect praise, let it go, not thinking about the result but the way ..
I discovered that my mother reads every day items of medicine: the thing I was strange because she is very busy and sometimes, even a little squeamish. Instead, I found it on her bedside table is a stack of medical articles, which he reads every night and try to understand, to interact with a new thing but also to feel a little more secure if he had any recognizable symptoms, I'm very appreciating friend reluctant to exercise, she enrolled in the gym and continues for several months to go assiduously, envy, and I respect all those people enjoying the moment, who are happy at the moment and try to drag the enthusiasm for the future, without getting too many questions about if .. on but ..
And I do that?
Seized by a fit I started to apply the advice of "my new friend Gretchen"
_ I opened the cupboard and started to throw many things that I do not put at least a couple of years (no need to keep them in the hope that fashion back);
_ I put my alarm 10 minutes earlier in the morning to do some gymnastic exercises, so you feel energetic, relaxed and not guilty for the next test of morality;
song _ even if I do not know the words, because at the end the important thing is to believe;
_ I try to stay hugged someone special for at least 6 seconds, why say is the minimum time to send in a circle endorphins and feel better;
_ account at least up to five before answering, so I can say things without aggression, but just thinking about it a little more;
_ I transcribed the same list that puts the author on the book by attacking on the cabinet, just to get a memo every time I pass by:
- Be Marta
- let it go
- Behave as you would like to hear
- Do not delay
- Be courteous and fair
- Enjoy the moment
- U.S. and spend unreservedly
- Find the problem
- Smile
- Do what you gotta do
- Nothing calculations
- There is only love.
So, today I did what I had to do (write my own blog), smile, I enjoyed every moment I was writing, I have acted honestly, how I wanted it then, I was Marta ..
Well I would say that they are already one step ahead .. if only all days were like that!
And you, you have even a HAPPINESS PROJECT '?
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